Here is one of my favorite poems ever.  It illuminates the mystic’s dance with the Infinite.  It also reflects what we need to do when it comes to healing our heart from the inside out:  go in and in.   It’s written by the gifted poet, Donna Faulds.

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Go In and In

Go in and in…
Be the space
between the cells,
the vast,
silence in which
spirit dwells…
Be sugar dissolving
on the tongue of life.

Dive in and in…
as deep as you can dive.
Be infinite, ecstatic truth.
Be love conceived and born in union…
Be exactly what you seek,
the Beloved,
singing Yes,
tasting Yes,
embracing Yes
until there is only essence,
the All of Everything
expressing through you
as you…

Go in and in…
and turn away from
that you find…

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How do you feel about going inside and turning away from nothing that you find?  Do you have the courage?  Do you have the strength?  Do you have the will?

Is there something in your way?

Is there anything you need?