Have you ever read a book that was so good you couldn’t put it down? And so good you didn’t […]
Books Etcetera
Unmet Needs and the Birth of Addiction
It is human to have needs. To eat, to be kept warm and dry, to grow and develop at a pace that is […]
Negative Habits & Yoga – Part I
B.K.S. Iyengar has been called ‘The Michelangelo of yoga’ by the BBC. Today he’s in his 90’s, and has been […]
What is Addiction?
Speaking as someone who works daily with folks struggling primarily, but not exclusively, with alcohol and drug addiction, I perceive it […]
What We Give Our Attention To Grows
Dr. Christine Caldwell, a somatic therapist, writes in her insightful book “Getting Our Bodies Back” that ‘Our mind is analogous […]
Bonds of Betrayal
It begins with a promise. A promise so appealing you could set your intuition aside in favor of it. The promiser sounds so sincere that […]