Here is a rare opportunity to learn about the transformational powers of Yoga from one of the world’s leading Yoga teachers: […]
I haven’t always liked poetry. Quite the contrary, I avoided it. It made no sense. There was no felt connection between […]
A Kinder Gentler Path
“New Year’s resolutions don’t mean a thing.” “They’re a waste of time.” “They don’t turn out, so why bother.” And […]
A Different Take on Peace
Did you hear the NEWS? “Peace is breaking out all over the planet! In every community, every hamlet, every city, even […]
One quick way to feel peaceful
For a long time, I’ve been ‘old school’ when it comes to Yoga. My beliefs have surrounded the idea that Yoga […]
Row, row, row your boat
No doubt almost all of us raised in the West have heard the following little nursery rhyme. So sweet. […]